Between sweater sleeves and the Dr. Who Scarf (which I haven’t started but already feel the emotional weight of) I’m a little done with plain old knits. I’m going to break it up with a bit of bootee and hat (surprise) knitting. My husband’s cousin’s wife’s baby shower is early next month and will require something cute for oohing and aahing. But in the meantime:

Pink Dolphin

Embroidery! Embroidery? Well, since Lauren has been making all these great embroidered gifts I thought I could too. This cheesy gem features one of those rare pink dolphins from the Amazon River (or LA). Witness my first real attempt at backstitch, not too bad for a first try. A little wobbly and not as even as I would like but HEY! check out that French knot eyeball. Pretty good eh?

Knife Diagram H

My plan is to practice a bit and then embroider a simple knife diagram on an apron for my brother-in-law’s birthday. It’s not as strange as it sounds: we took cooking classes this winter (we’re both vegetarians who want to be able to make delish veggie dinners) and knife skills was part of the course. I learned both the Japanese and French style of cutting food. Fancy!

Knife Placement 1

I’m still not sure about the placement, but I think the pocket would be nice. UNLESS!!! OH IDEA! I could flip the knife 180 degrees and boom! it will fit on the sternum. I may just do that since embroidering on the pocket would be rough. Thanks for the inspiration blog!

Knife Placement 2Knife Diagram V

Now I just need to practice: dolphin pod or other twee critters?